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Slate of Nominees for 2022
Kathy O'Leary

Some of our members have stepped up to help out with leadership. Thank you!!

We are still in need of a Secretary. It is not hard and we only hold 5 member meetings in a year. Jill has been Secretary for the past three years and can tell you how fun it is :)

I would like to nominate the following slate of candidates for 2022 PWP Board and Officers:


Mary Lynn Skutely for President

Kathy O'Leary for Vice President

Adam Shiel for Treasurer

_______ for Secretary


Dave Godlewsky 3-year term

Ruth Lovejoy 2-year term

Sonia Anderson 1-year term

Kathy O'Leary

Laurel has graciously stepped forward for the Secretary position. Thank you Laurel!

So I would like to officially nominate Laurel for Secretary.

Anyone want to second the previous slate of nominees and Laurel?



Date/location of the election and annual meeting will be announced soon.

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