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Pumpkin Paddle
Paddle starts 6:30pm @ Coon Forks. We paddle in the dark, which makes a pretty spooky paddle. After the paddle we will have a campfire, and music. You are required by law to have a flashlight, ( preferably a headlight) and a mask. Bring your own: Snacks drinks, chair, and wood to throw on the campfire. I will bring some firesticks forks if you want to cook your own hot dogs. Please register. Other things to bring consists of extra warm clothes, especially for hands and feet. Any questions call David. I will miss the brats and pot luck of the past, but hopefully, next October we can get back to the good old days.

Pumpkin Paddle is canceled due to lack of registrations, which maybe contributed to a cold front and covid. Next year....we hope is better.

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