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Annual Meeting and Elections
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We have three candidates for the board positions already. Would you consider the Secretary spot? We only have 5 meetings/year.

I would be willing to be on the board. I’ve not been to many paddles this year though.

Update on Elections/Hike:

Stay tuned -- the date is still to be determined (it will NOT be Nov 6 or 13th).

We have had a few members step up and offer to help with leadership but not enough to cover all the open spots. Nominations are still open.

Note - do not reply to this email -- it won't go through. Please login to the website and go to the Forums tab and choose Meetings to find this thread and reply there. If you don't remember your password -- you can click to get help on that in the login window.

Hello Paddlers,

We will be scheduling our Annual Meeting and Elections in November (either Nov 6 or 13th). A short outdoor meeting/voting followed by a hike is the idea. Location to be determined.

The critical information is that most of the people holding positions have reached their 3 year term limit. Therefore we are looking for 3 Board positions as well as President, VP, Treasurer and Secretary. Please please consider stepping up for one of these spots. It is not hard and it will keep the club from folding into a facebook-only group.

Personally, I am dealing with some family issues and do not have time to twist arms and beg for responses. We will take nominations via email or through the Forum on the website. The slate of candidates must be done a month before the election (according to the bylaws). So by Oct 6th or 13th.

If you are an active member who participates in social paddles and weekend events -- please consider stepping up. We will be available for support!

If you. have any questions about what each position entails, you can see the descriptions in. the attached bylaws (also available on the website under Documents). Or contact one of the current members and ask them. We have not met much these past two years due to covid.

We have some great energy with the people in the club. I hope to get some nominations to fill our slate and get ready for the 2022 season.



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