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Brunet Island End of Season Extravaganza Sep 20-22...
Ruth Lovejoy

Hello gang! A reminder that we have campsites around 53. I can't find the old post for some reason. I just called Brunet Island locally. Each campsite can have 6 people, 2 vehicles (there is parking available) and any number of tents. We have 3, possible 4 booked for 53. I looked online and saw that 57 was still available so I booked it. Let me know if you still need a spot.

Keep in mind, no electricity in the North Campground, but the kayak access is excellent, you want to be there if you can.

47 is also available but things are looking full. Let me know if you need a spot. On here or fb messenger or text me. It's going to be a good time!

Ruth Lovejoy

I added a request to register to get an idea of who is coming to Brunet Island. No fee, we'll work it out if you are tenting on someone's campsite.

Ruth Lovejoy

Nancy had to cancel due to a hand injury. I'm going to cancel 57. I think we will have enough space.

Matthew Bachman

Is there any details on what time of day the paddles will be taking place for this trip?

Ruth Lovejoy

In the past we have planned a group paddle at 2PM on Saturday. It would be exploring the channels, Fisher River, and Chippewa River near the campground. I think 2PM would work well with a potluck dinner to follow around 6 at our campsite #53. Laurel will make a batch of vegetarian chili with vegetables from her wonderful farm. We wlll bring cornbread to have with.bring whatever you would like to add. Other meals will be on your own. I plan to be there early Friday afternoon, we would possibly paddle then also, depending what people want to do.

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