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PWP Elections--Call for Nominations
Mary Lynn Skutley

This email opens nominations for all positions and will remain open until Thursday, September 22. Voting will take place September 23-30. Please feel free to nominate someone or yourself by responding to this on the website Forum or send me an email. Do not reply directly to this email as it will not go through - login and use the Forum please.

Many of the existing members serving are willing to serve again this year if re-elected.

Here is the list of who is willing to stay and what spots are in need:

President - Mary Lynn Skutley

Vice President - open

Treasurer - Adam Shiel

Secretary - Laurel Kieffer

One Board position - open

Board - David Godlewski

Board - Ruth Lovejoy

Joseph Placek has accepted a nomination as Vice President

Mike Fliehr Has accepted a nomination as board member.

Descriptions of all the positions from the club bylaws (from the website):


Section 1. The officers of the club, selected from the club membership, shall be a president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer as elected by a simple majority of the membership at the annual meeting. Officers must maintain current club membership.

Section 2.

President: The president, as the principal officer of the club, shall prepare meeting agendas, preside at meetings of the club and of the Board of Directors, represent the club as needed, and sign all legal documents for the club.

Section 3.

Vice President: The vice president is responsible for the coordination of events planned by the club. The vice president works with individual trip planners to ensure event details are coordinated and information is disseminated to members. In the absence of the president, the vice-president presides over club meetings and otherwise serves as president.

Section 4.

Secretary: The secretary shall take minutes at club meetings and make these available on the website prior to the next meeting. The secretary shall be the custodian of the bylaws, membership list, and other club documents as needed. The secretary will perform other duties as the president or the Board may assign.

Section 5.

Treasurer: The treasurer shall receive and deposit all moneys of the club and pay all bills incurred by the club as directed by the Board. The treasurer shall keep an accurate record of all receipts and expenditures. The Treasurer shall present a full financial report, including the proposed budget, at the annual meeting of the members and whenever requested by the Board. The treasurer shall submit required documentation for tax purposes.

Board of Directors

Section 1.

The Board of Directors is responsible for overall policy and direction of the club, and delegates responsibility for routine operation to the club’s officers.

Section 2.

Responsibilities of the Board include, but are not limited to:

A. provision of club financial oversight

B. assistance in developing an annual budget

C. to ensure adequate resources for club functioning

D. oversight of policy changes within the limits of the bylaws

E. active support of the club’s purposes and officers

Section 3.

The Board shall be comprised of three directors, each with terms of three years. Terms will be staggered such that one director term expires every year. Directors are elected from the membership at-large by a vote of the general membership at the annual meeting.

Section 4.

The Board and officers shall meet upon call of the president at such times and places as designated. Notice of all meetings of the Board of Directors shall be communicated to each director and officer at least ten (10) days in advance of such meetings.

Section 5.

Quorum: A simple majority of the Board and officers shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of the Board. Any less number may adjourn until a quorum is present.

Thank you for participating!

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